S'up. I'm Evan :)
I'm currently attending the Savannah College of Art and Design to get an M.A.in Sequential Art.
I got my B.A. at the University of Southern Indiana with emphases in illustration and graphic design, as well as a minor in French studies.
Outside of the realm of art, I love video games, animals, crystals collecting, and of course, cookies too.
I hope you enjoy your stay at this window into my artistic soul. If you feel a chill, don't worry, it's just my ghosts. They won't hurt you as long as you don't look at them in the eye. They're divas like that. I keep telling them to work on that, but they don't listen. They're always like, "You just don't understand..." I blame it on ghostly angst.
Thanks for visiting! Don't be a stranger! 
Hey, it's me.
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